Thursday, October 23, 2014

Analysis of Education Courses

Four Years of Discipline

My current focus at Prairie View A & M University is Education 4-8, Generalist. Overall my degree plan has an assortment of classes. I have completed my pre-requisite courses on the front of my degree plan. For example, my English, arts, history, and government are all completed. Currently I am in the process of trying to finish the back of my degree plan, which consists of Interdisciplinary courses and CUIN courses. For example, reading, personal health, and CUIN courses are the courses that I have left to finish.

The CUIN courses are the courses that are geared towards student teaching in the classroom. In order to be eligible to take CUIN courses, the student must be accepted into the Education Program at Prairie View A & M University. I was accepted into the education program summer of 2014. I will begin my CUIN courses fall 2015. I am finishing up my last couple interdisciplinary courses prior to beginning CUIN courses.

Overall, the degree takes time just like any other degree. A student must plan and have a goal of projected graduation. By having a goal, it keeps the student focused on what is important, graduating and teaching. 

1 comment:

  1. Why not start your CUINs as soon as possible? They take two semesters before student teaching, so if you have been admitted to Teacher Ed, you could be in your 3000 level courses in Spring 2015!!!
